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Transmission Processing and Natural Gas Distribution
Operative Dispatching processes 7 x 24-hour transfer orders for market players (traders and local energy suppliers) in a shift operation. Transmission Processing and Natural Gas Distribution ensure that the quantities of energy required to meet demand in high- and medium-pressure networks for heating, household and industrial clients are readily available at all times. Transmission orders are processed on behalf of Open Energy Platform AG, regional companies, Swissgas AG and other transmission clients.

The dispatchers verify whether orders can be fulfilled within the permitted operating pressure. Different rules apply to summer and winter operation in this respect. The operating pressure in the transmission network can be reduced in summer due to the lower demand for natural gas.

There is a range of tolerance for network balancing for natural gas transmission systems in regional networks. The tolerance range is monitored on the Erdgas Ostschweiz AG regional network for all transmission customers. If tolerances are exceeded, a penalty is imposed on a non-discriminatory basis according to published, established rules.